GGP Vault
As a depositor, when you deposit GGP into the vault you will receive xGGP token. The xGGP:GGP ratio will start 1:1, but the ratio will increase as the vault accumulates rewards.
The share price increases once a month, right before the GGP rewards period when the stakeAndDistributeRewards
method is called. The price will increase based on the targetAPR
value, which is currently ~15%.
Depositors can redeem their xGGP for GGP at any time as long as there is sufficient liquidity in the vault. In the case of a liquidity crunch, it may take up to 14 days for 100% of the depositors to be able to redeem their xGGP for GGP.
AVAX Vault
As a depositor, when you deposit AVAX into the vault you will receive xAVAX token. The xAVAX:AVAX ratio will start 1:1, but the ratio will increase as the vault accumulates rewards.
The share price increases several times throughout the month for users that have their AVAX in the vault. The price will increase based on the targetAPR
value, which is currently set to be 15% APY.
Depositors can redeem their xAVAX for AVAX at any time as long as there is sufficient liquidity in the vault. In the case of a liquidity crunch, it may take up to 14 days for 100% of the depositors to be able to redeem their xAVAX for AVAX. If you need an urgent redemption, message us on
Last updated